“Love Island Australia” is an Australian dating reality show based on the international Love Island franchise. The show, which premiered on May 27, 2018, features a group of single contestants, known as “islanders,” who live together in a luxury villa isolated from the outside world. The goal is to find love while avoiding being dumped from the villa. The contestants “couple up” throughout the series, and the overall winning couple receives a cash prize.
Claudia Bonifazio and Austen Bugeja
Claudia Bonifazio and Austen Bugeja had a memorable journey on ‘Love Island Australia.’ The two came from entirely distinct backgrounds. Claudia is a Medical Secretary and actress, whereas Austen is a spray painter and a semi-pro football athlete. At the beginning of the season, Claudia was with Jordan, whereas Austen paired up with Layla. They shared an electric kiss while performing a challenge, and it just clicked! One of the highlights of their time on the show was the entry of Claudia’s ex-boyfriend as a “bomb,” which brought up her trust issues and baggage from past relationships. However, the couple portrayed maturity and carefully crossed each hurdle. The duo waltzed their way to the finale and eventually won against Callum and Madeline and Mitchell and Phoebe. Despite facing several dramatic overturns and hiccups in their journey, Austen and Claudia emerged victorious in the end. Claudia was given a choice to either keep the money for herself or split it with her partner. She chose the latter and won many hearts, proving that her love for Austen was indeed pure and real.
Relationship Status and Future Plans
Claudia and Austen are still together and stronger than ever! They made an appearance in early December 2022 on Channel Nine’s ‘Today’ and spoke about their relationship. Austen revealed that though he resides in Sydney, he’s planning to move to Adelaide to be closer to his lover. Austen further confirmed their relationship status by saying, “Me and Claudia are still together. We’re official.” The couple briefly went on to talk about their long-distance relationship and then expressed their gratitude for finding each other. In an interview after the crowning moment, Claudia also spoke about their future plans. “In five years’ time, I’d just hope we were just happy and living together in our own house,” she said. They also revealed that the majority of their $50,000 prize money was spent on flights and accommodation, as they dived into an interstate relationship post-show. They might have squeezed in a little shopping spree too. With Austen in Sydney, and Claudia in Adelaide, they admitted their long-distance relationship “wasn’t cheap”.
Other Love Island Australia Couples
Love Island Australia 2022 Couples
- Claudia and Austen: As the winners of the season, Claudia and Austen are still together. They spent the Christmas holidays together, with Claudia sharing some sweet snaps of the pair lazing on the couch, hitting the beach, and checking out Christmas lights together.
- Tina and Mitch: The winners of Love Island Australia 2021 rekindled their old flame by pairing up in the villa. However, they weren’t lucky the second time around. After they left the villa together feeling warm and fuzzy, the show’s official Instagram account confirmed the pair had called it quits.
- Phoebe and Mitch: Phoebe and Mitch have had their ups and downs during their time together in the villa. The pair are just as loved up as they were on the show as they spent Christmas together in Victoria with Phoebe’s family.
- Callum and Madeline: Callum and Madeline were the freshest couple to enter Love Island Australia’s top three. After their time in the villa came to an end, the pair discussed long distance but after knowing only each other for ten days, they decided to end the relationship.
Now, let’s move on to the couples from Love Island Australia 2023:
Love Island Australia 2023 Couples
- Tyra and Kale: Tyra Johannes and Kale Roberts, the winners of the 2023 season of Love Island Australia, are still together. They even had plans to move in together next year.
- Zac and Lucinda: Zac and Lucinda are still together. The biggest issue in their relationship could be long distance given Lucinda resides in the UK, while Zac is a kiwi living in Australia. Prior to Love Island’s end, the pair revealed they would be visiting each other’s hometowns.
- Clint and Savanah: Clint and Savanah had a short love story after bombshell Clint entered the villa rather late in the season. After their time in the villa came to an end, they decided to end the relationship.