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Top 10 Biggest Companies in the World by Market Cap

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Today’s post is about the biggest companies in the world by Market Capitalization in Q2 2019.
We listed the rating based on market capitalization. You might ask what is Market Capitalization?
In layman terms, it is the current market rate of the company or business.
This is decided by people willing to buy shares (the smallest ownership of that company) at a particular rate.
We can term the combined value of all the shares at a particular market rate as market value.
These are the top 10 biggest companies in the world:
Data in the article is based of 11th August 2019

#10. Johnson & Johnson

Market Cap-$348.5 B
CEO-Alex Gorsky
Industry-Medical devices,Pharma,Consumer Packed Goods(CPG)

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This company was started by three brothers—Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson, and Edward Mead Johnson when they were inspired by a speech from Joseph Lister.
The brothers originally produced surgical equipments, bandages, and plasters. They started manufacturing baby powder later in 1893.
Approximately 250 affiliate businesses in 60 nations are part of the corporation, distributed to over 175 nations.
The company’s headquarters are in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.

#09. JPMorgan Chase

Market Cap-$350.9 B
CEO-Jamie Dimon
Industry-Financial services & Investment Banking

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JPMorgan Chase is the biggest commercial bank in the United States, the sixth-biggest bank in the world in terms of total assets and is consistently one of the biggest companies in the world since its inception and was always even in times of recession was in the top 10 companies list.
The J.P. brand. Historically recognized as “Morgan”, it provides financial and banking facilities, private banking services, asset management, and private capital.
JPMorgan Chase’s headquarters are at 270 Park Avenue, Manhattan, New York, USA.

#08. Visa

Market Cap-$389 B
CEO-Alfred F Kelly Jr
Industry-Financial services

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Visa is the 8th largest company in the world by market cap. 
It enables transactions of electronic funds worldwide, most often via Visa-branded credit cards, gift cards, and debit cards. 
Headquartered in Foster City, United States, California.

#07. Alibaba Group

Market Cap-$414.3 B
CEO-Daniel Zhang
Industry-E-commerce, retail, Internet, and technology.

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The Alibaba Group is one of China and the world’s biggest virtual trading platforms, drawing customers’ exposure both through inexpensive rates and through a wide range of featured products.
The firm offers facilities to consumers, business consumers, and business through web portals, electronic payment services, a customer search system, and cloud computing.

#06. Berkshire Hathaway

Market Cap-$489.2 B
CEO-Warren Buffett 

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The firm is renowned for Warren Buffett for its permanent owner, an American investor, and an entrepreneur.
Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, USA, this holdings company share price of $300,435 August in 2019 which puts it the most costly stock in the world.

#05. Facebook, Inc.

Market Cap-$535.9 B
CEO-Mark Zuckerberg
Industry-Online Social media and Social networking 

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Mark Zuckerberg developed Facebook in February 2004 over 1.86 billion people visit this social network every day. 
The $535.9 billion market value is an astronomical sign of an Internet project’s success. 
Today in 2019, online advertising generates more than $8 billion net annual profit from Facebook as it has gained various social media platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.
Facebook headquarters is located in Menlo Park, California, USA.

#04. Alphabet Inc.

Market Cap-$824.1 B
CEO-Larry Page 
Industry-Internet-related services and products

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Google, the globally renowned Internet company, has altered its name to Alphabet because the corporation has long since and is been out of just Google’s search engine and now it also holds many other businesses.
The heads of the Internet giant are Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who collectively formed the mega-company in 1998.


Market Cap-$894.1 B
CEO-Jeff Bezos 
Industry-E-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence.

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Top 3 tech giants in our list often fight for the first position for the biggest companies in the world.
Amazon is an American retail company selling and delivering online multiple products.
Internet consumers, distributors, and manufacturers can use Amazon’s page as an internet platform to distribute any products on their own.
Because of high-quality products, lower rates, timely delivery and a broad variety of different products, the popularity of service have improved over time.
Now the company has started a diversification in entertainment media, electronics, IT solutions, etc.
Jeff Bezos founded the company in 1994. The headquarters of Amazon is in Seattle, WA, USA.

#02. Microsoft

Market Cap-$1212.7 B
CEO-Satya Nadella
Industry-Computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services.

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Microsoft is the largest company in the world by market capitalization.
Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world, founded this world-renowned corporation in 1975.
Microsoft was the first software developer at that moment to suggest using packaged home computer software that would make the PC experience user-friendly and enjoyable.
This software–the Microsoft disk operating system (MS-DOS)–was a true success because it made it so easy for common users to learn PC computer skills.
The system brought a massive accomplishment and huge profits to the business.
Today, Microsoft is also one of the PC software market’s major businesses.
It launches Windows operating systems of the new generation, a range of apps to work with Microsoft Office documents and several other software programs.
After an unsuccessful attempt to enter the mobile market, Microsoft also manufactures its accessories, video, audio, and office tools.
The headquarters of the business are in Redmond, Washington, USA.
For a long time, Microsoft consistently topped in the biggest companies in the world because of its competition proof business management.

#01. Apple

Market Cap-$1287.7 B
CEO-Tim Cook
Industry-Consumer electronics, computer software, and online services

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Apple has been the world’s most valuable corporation for a long time and was also being the first enterprise to cross a trillion market cap mark it truely tops in our list like top 10 largest companies in the world.
But after they have released their newest costly models XS & XR, things don’t go well.
Investors are concerned about iPhone revenues, so in the last 3 months, the cost of Apple stocks has fallen significantly.
The company remains in first place on the list of the most branded products.
Today, many people are likely to recognize the company logo because Apple has become truly the most effective brand; we assess its worth around $908.3 billion.
Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Jobs set up the business on 1 April 1976.
Apple’s business is now diversified, including smartwatches, PCs and laptops, phones and smartphones, and more than per now in 2019 the company is planning to increase focus its service business. 
The distinguishing characteristic of the success of Apple gadgets, yet, is Steve Jobs’ high quality, elegant design, and good marketing.
Today, with nearly 132,000 employees, the business has thousands of corporate headquarters, brand shops, and distribution centers globally.Which corporation from this list is your favorite comment down below, Also, if you want to share this useful business information on social media with your colleagues, juniors, students, or friends hit the buttons below.

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