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Top 10 Weirdest World Records Ever

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Andy Jennings – Fastest motorized wheelie bin

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Andy Jennings has created a wheelie bin that can increase up to 65 kilometres per hour, setting a new Guinness World Record. Andy Jennings set the record by converting an old household wheelie bin into a racing machine by adding a motorcycle engine, a transmission, a seat, and steering. While inside the bin, he attained speeds of nearly 60 km/h. Officials from Guinness World Records were on hand to watch the attempt, which began with Andy claiming that he needed to attain speeds of above 48 km/h to create a new world record. On the other hand, Andy surpassed the goal by reaching a high speed of 96 km/hr.

Joseph Grisamore – World’s tallest mohawk

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A Minnesotan has put forth all of his efforts to set a new world record that is unquestionably amazing. Joseph Grisamore of Park Rapids has broken the world record for growing the world’s largest full Mohican Mohawk.The mohawk, which measures 42.5 inches, has become more than an identity for Grisamore, and he has realized his dream after 13 years of hard work and dedication. Joseph grisamore stands 6’1″ tall, and his mohawk has grown to over four feet in length.

Don Gorske – Most Big Mac burgers eaten in a lifetime

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Donald Gorske holds the Guinness World Record for the most McDonald’s Big Macs consumed in one sitting.Plus, he isn’t finished yet, as he continues to set new records every day. Gorske, 67, previously held the record for consuming the most Big Mac burgers in a lifetime in 1999. After 22 years, he has a total of 32,340 burgers. His adventure began in 1972 when he tried his first Big Mac and declared that he would be eating them for the rest of his life. He has properly filed and arranged every receipt by date. To make things easier to follow, he keeps a running count on a personal calendar.

Lee Redmond – Longest fingernails on both hands

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Lee Redmond (USA) had the longest fingernails, which she began growing in 1979 and meticulously manicured to a total length of 8.65 m (28 ft 4.5 in) as measured on the set of Lo show dei record in Madrid, Spain, on February 23, 2008. She took great care of her nails, dipping them in warm olive oil every day and applying bottle after bottle of strengthener and lacquer to maintain them in tip-top shape. In early 2009, Lee was involved in a car accident and lost her nails. She told a witness on the scene that her nails were breaking records, and the woman went around collecting all the broken nails, which Lee now keeps in a tiny bag to commemorate her time in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Anne Woods – 28 Times the Women’s World Champion in Gurning

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Anne Woods won the Women’s World Gurning Championship 28 times, a tournament that requires participants to make the ugliest, deformed face imaginable while holding their head through a horse halter. The competition is held in September in Egremont, Cumbria, as part of the town’s Crab Fair. The Egremont Crab Fair and Sports was founded in 1267, making it one of its oldest fairs. It attracts visitors from all over the world by combining historic and traditional activities with modern attractions uniquely.

Fastest Tortoise

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Guinness World Records has declared Bertie, an inconspicuous leopard tortoise, the world’s quickest tortoise. He has a top speed of 0.6 miles per hour (0.28 metres per second). Bertie is the world’s fastest tortoise, surpassing the previous record established in 1977. Bertie ran it on a 5.48-meter track with a 1:12 gradient uphill. The course took him exactly 19.59 seconds to complete. Bertie currently lives in a very deluxe, luxury enclosure with Shelly, his fiancée, in addition to being included in the 2016 Guinness World Records Book.

Kim Goodman – Farthest Eyeball Protrusion

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Kim Goodman can force her eyeballs out of their sockets by 12 millimetres (0.47 inches). She holds the record for the most protruding eyeballs in the world. Eyeballs are difficult to burst out of the socket biologically due to eye nerve connection. This, on the other hand, is the furthest a human eye has ever popped out. Guinness World Records recognized her in their 50th-anniversary list of the top ten ‘feats’ of all time in 2004. Kim, who lives in Chicago, Illinois, discovered her eyeball popping gift after being smacked in the eye during a Halloween party. Ever She’d been able to pop her eyeballs out on command since that day, as well as when she yawns.

Radhakant Bajpai – Longest Ear Hair in the World

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Radhakant Bajpai’s ear hair is 25cm long and still growing, but the Indian grocer has no intention of removing it despite his wife’s protests. Mr Radhakant has painstakingly coiffed his ear-follicles from a record-breaking 13.2cm to their current ear-itching length, which Guinness officially recognized in 2003 as having the longest ear hair in the world. Mr Radhakant, 58, considers his ear-hair to be a symbol of luck and fortune, and it has grown since he was 18 and has never been clipped. He kept it up with a specially formulated herbal shampoo blend.

Kevin Shelley – Most wooden toilet seats broken with the head in a minute

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Kevin Shelley, a MENSA member and fitness teacher, claims to have an IQ of 148. He also owns the world record for the most wooden toilet seats shattered by the head in one minute, with 46, set on a German television show in 2007.

Madeleine Albrec – Most feet and armpits sniffed

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Madeline Albrecht worked at the Hill Top Research Laboratories in Cincinnati, Ohio, tested Dr Scholl’s goods. She worked there for 15 years, and throughout that time, she had to smell hundreds of feet and armpits. As a result, her 5600 feet and armpits sniffed record is firmly entrenched in her legacy in the Guinness Book of World Records.

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