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10 Best Psychological Thrillers of All Time

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Of course, we can say that everyone doesn’t enjoy watching a movie.
But there are limited options, considering Hollywood’s twisted psychological thriller suspense movies.
The feeling that you are left with fantastic suspense is different from any other experience.
It’s pulse-pumping and constant and makes you feel alive. And it’s good to feel alive.
If you are wondering or bored on this weekend to watch something interesting.
Below is the list for my personal favorite 10 best suspense movie of all time:

10. Strangers on a Train (1951)

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The story starts with Walker and Granger meeting on a train from New York to Washington.
Bruno Anthony, a young functional psychopath, encounters Guy Haines on a train, a famous tennis player.
Guy wants to move into a political career. While waiting for a divorce of his wife and has been dating the daughter of a senator (Ann Morton).
Bruno wants to murder his father but realizes that because he has a purpose, cops will arrest him.
He and Guy share victims, Bruno thinks of a crazy scheme to exchange victims.
This is a joke Guy takes, but Bruno takes things seriously and puts things into his own hands.
My review-
The plot is very well written and Robert Walker is portrayed with flying colors as a sly, but a noticeable psychopath.
The role is full of delicate undertones and is beautifully performed by Walker.
Farley Granger’s performance as good as he has taken on demonic murdering schemes with his new train-mate
The charm of Ruth Roman brings elegance to the companionship of Granger-loving women.

9. Shutter Island (2010)

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The story follows as two American marshals are sent to an asylum on an island to investigate a patient’s death, which after uncovering they find disturbing mysteries.
Teddy Daniels (Leonardo) interviews patients, staff and head psychiatrist (Ben Kingsley), joined by his new partner (Ruffalo).
The situation soon begins to turn strange. The investigation stuck with a police character himself who falls further into delusional fear.
He is yet to overcome horrific hallucinations of the death of Michelle Williams, his beloved wife, and of the escape from the concentration camp at Dachau at the end of World War II.
The suspicious disappearance of a killer from her prison has indeed been intended to be investigated by Daniels, but also by Andrew Laeddis (Elias Koteas), an imprisoned arsonist that he feels is responsible for his wife’s death (Michelle Phillips).
Daniels suspects in the unethical experiments and a conspiracy to hide the fate of Laeddis, which senior psychologists Cawley (Ben-Kingsley) and Naehring (Max von Sydow) have performed on this island.
My review-
The crime story turned into his own as the detective character had a conflicting turnaround.
A result of very gross WWII encounters during the liberation of a concentration camp, and a mismarriage that ended on the shores of what looked like Crystal Lake in Friday the 13th movie–and drugs induced hallucinations.
The main effect of the suspense thriller movie is on the senses. All is mixed into a terrifying foreshadow of awful secrets.
Each scene turns against its succeeding scene and twists characters in such ways, like their minds, that we could not grasp.

8. Gone Girl (2014)

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Bar owner Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) has his home theatrically damaged on the day of his Fifth Wedding Anniversary, his front door opens.
The glass table overturned and shattered and his wife Amy (Rosamund Pike) unaccountably missing.
As Rhonda Boney (Kim Dickens) appears at the location, she feels that not everything has been right.
Proof of financial problems or domestic disputes points the finger toward Nick in doubt, who in the age of social media and rolling television considers uncertain displays of grievance insufficient.
Over the next few days Nick’s “smiling sociopath” has been refocused more than his gone girl-wife, whose own voice is heard on the pages of a blasphemous diary showing an alternate interpretation of their apparently idyllic couple.
My review-
This movie is directed by David Fincher (who also made many psychological thrillers) & is based on novel Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.
Direction, Screenplay, backgrounds, environment, and acting are just great.
The whole cast is in top form with the flawless quality of Affleck and Pike.
Speaking about plot, it is intense, strong, creative and mind-bending, with an incredible twist.

7. Prisoners (2013)

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How far will you protect your family?
Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) faces the same question after the worst fear of every parent becomes the reality.
His 6-year-old daughter, Anna, together with her young friend, Joy, is lost, which naturally, like any parent, makes him panic.
The only lead investigators have is a rundown RV, parked on its road earlier.
Detective Loki, the investigator, arrests his driver, Alex Jones, but he is bailed because of a lack of evidence.
When police arrest several drivers with no solid evidence, scared Dover takes matters into his own hands, realizing that his child’s life is at stake.
But how far is that despairing father going to safeguard his family?
My review-
In the same psychologic structure, prisoners is an intelligently constructed and well-performed mystery that executes events that converge with time— to save the girls and prove Alex’s guilt and innocence.
On the bottom, all of the unexpected but mildly sensible twists and turns happen, and anyone familiar with the genre can smell a red herring.

6. L.A. Confidential (1997)

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The seedy backdrop to the nuanced noir-ish plot of corruption of the police and Hollywood Sleaze was in Los Angeles in the 1950s.
The officers, who all follow the truth and are in their own fashion, are three very different: Ed Exley the golden boy of police force, eager to do almost anything but sell it out; Bud White, ready to break the law to get justice but not able to keep his boiling anger under check and Jack Vincennes, always looking for celebrity and a quick buck until his conscience drives him to join Exley and White down the one-way path to find the truth behind the dark world of Crime.
My review-
The golden rule set by the classic detective movies also is followed this thriller to watch, L.A. Confidential.
Nearly two and a half hours to construct the story confidentially, but the watching time is passed remarkably fast.
In the entire film, there’s hardly a waste of time, and director Hanson keeps close track of every frame.
The last scenes were full of action, backstabbing and entertaining enough, with the three men befriending each other.

5. Mulholland Drive (2001)

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The story is followed in ambiguous plot loops by two characters named Betty and Rita, but we’re not quite certain they’re different characters by the end of the film or, are they?
Rita wonders whether she’s Diane Selwyn, who’s a name from a name tag for the waitress.
My review-
The movie is hypnotic; we are drawn as if one thing were another— but nothing leads to a break and re-combine as objects trapped within a kaleidoscope even before the characters are introduced.
“Mulholland Drive” is not like “Memento,” where you can expect to explain the mystery if you follow it carefully enough.
No clarification is available.
Perhaps there is no mystery. It might not be coincidental that BBC Culture’s poll of reviewers listed David Lynch’s mind-bending Mullholland Drive mystery as the best film of the century to date.

4. Taxi Driver (1976)

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Travis Bickle is a longtime veteran of the navy who served in the Vietnam War, lives in New York.
As he is suffering from insomnia, he spends time as a taxi driver, watching adult movies during the day in seedy theaters, and talking about how the world especially New York, has degraded into a cesspool.
He is a singular person with strong beliefs about what is right and wrong with humanity.
The only highlight of society in New York is Betsy, a volunteer on Senator Charles Palantine’s presidential nomination campaign.
He meets a thirteen-year-old prostitute Iris and gets obsessed with her.
Following an incident with her, he feels he could do anything he feels, to improve the world around him.
One of his goals is to be the Savior of Iris, as he believes she wants to escape out of her career and kill her beloved pimp (and lover), Matthew.
My review-
The five-minute epilog, steeped in tragedy, highlights the character’s complexities.
The media turns Travis into a hero when rescues the prostitute.
But he would have been abused as an assassin if he drew his gun a little more quickly on Senator Palantine.
As the movie ends, the misanthropist has been accepted as a model citizen— a person who takes pimps, drug dealers and mobsters to save a small girl.
Taxi Driver doesn’t have much doubt to be painted in an extremely disturbing picture–we appreciate Travis’s reasoning.
This is a skilled film made by Scorsese, moviemaker Michael Chapman and the actors.

3. Rear window (1954)

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The story of a news photographer who thinks he has seen a murder.
Set in a wheelchair following an accident, he spends time watching the residents of nearby houses via a telephoto lens and binoculars to convince himself of the crime that has taken place.
My review-
Hitchcock discusses the topic of voyeurism, explicitly in the rear window.
The script is carefully directed, and we can examine it a lot.
The idea is intriguing, but I have not felt my excitement throughout the story but felt curious.
It is one of the suspense thriller movies Hollywood ever made with a small specification but colorful and fascinating.
Hitchcock twists the knife in a humorous sequence that directly targets the viewer, not only by exposing a real crime but by threateningly staring at Jeff through the court.

2. The Prestige (2006)

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In the London 1890s, Robert Angier and Alfred Borden were employed as the shills of a magician led by John Cutter.
After Julia died in a performance by mistake, Robert blames Alfred for his death and ultimately, they became rivals.
Soon, both become legendary competing magicians who try to destroy each other’s success on the stage.
If Alfred performs a good trick, Robert becomes obsessed with the attempt to expose the tragic consequences of his competitor’s secret.
My review-
The Prestige is also an important movie in the collection of more serious dramas by Jackman.
Here, he and Bale are strikingly gratified, taking on dual roles that add to the cinema’s credibility–twins will actually promote in the segments of the stage similar to “The Transported Man.”

1. The Sixth Sense (1999)

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Dr. Malcolm Crowe is played by Bruce Willis, a professional therapist.
In the night, a former patient breaks into his house and shoots Dr. Crowe and himself for his work.
Months later, Dr. Crowe still appears shocked. He thinks he can’t talk to his wife.
After recovery, he consults only one client, Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), who reminds him of his lost treatment.
Gradually Malcolm wins Cole’s trust, and he confides that he can see “dead people.”
Malcolm believes that this is a sign of profound psychological turmoil at first, but then he assumes that Cole actually sees the spirits of those who were killed and must find a way to make the moment less traumatic for him.
My review-
This is one of the rare film delights, a genuinely chilling thinking person’s suspense.
You would be lucky if you see the movie which will make you wonder hours later and this movie perfectly does the work.
The final conclusion is shocking, but unavoidable in retrospect.

Over the years, Hollywood has produced many good suspense thriller movies.
A well-created suspense-packed film will change your life prospects.
Many thrillers choose to pull the safe world around you, flooding you with ideas you hadn’t seen.

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