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Snapchat BSF List Planets: Explained

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Snapchat, the beloved social media app among Gen Z users, has introduced a fascinating feature called Snapchat Plus Planets. This feature allows users to create a solar system of their best friends, assigning each friend a planet based on their closeness. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the meaning and order of Snapchat BSF (Best Friends) list planets, unraveling the secrets behind this innovative feature. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a journey through the Snapchat solar system!

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Snapchat Plus Planets
  2. Snapchat BSF List Planet Order
  3. Mercury: The Closest Companion
  4. Venus: Second in Line
  5. Earth: The Third Best Friend
  6. Mars: Fourth in the Solar System
  7. Jupiter: Fifth in the Cosmic Hierarchy
  8. Saturn: The Sixth Planet
  9. Uranus: Seventh in Line
  10. Neptune: The Distant Blue Planet
  11. Decoding the Snapchat Friend Solar System
  12. Unlocking Snapchat Plus Exclusive Features

1. Understanding Snapchat Plus Planets

Snapchat Plus Planets is an exciting feature exclusively available to Snapchat Plus subscribers. This premium version of Snapchat offers a range of enhanced features, such as story rewatch count, Dark Mode for Android, and the highly popular Friend Solar Systems. By subscribing to Snapchat Plus, users can create a personalized solar system of their best friends, adding a unique touch to their Snapchat experience.

2. Snapchat BSF List Planet Order

The Snapchat BSF list planet order determines the position of each friend in your solar system. Similar to the order of planets in our solar system, the Snapchat planet order follows a specific sequence. The closest friend occupies the position of Mercury, while the farthest friend is represented by Neptune. Let’s explore each planet in the Snapchat BSF list planet order and uncover their meanings.

3. Mercury: The Closest Companion

Mercury, the first planet in the Snapchat BSF list, symbolizes your closest friend on Snapchat. If you are assigned the planet Mercury, it means that you share the most streaks with this friend, making them your ultimate best friend. In the Snapchat solar system, Mercury appears as a pink-colored planet adorned with four red hearts, representing the strong bond you share with your best friend.

4. Venus: Second in Line

Following Mercury in the Snapchat BSF list planet order is Venus, representing your second closest friend. If you find yourself assigned the planet Venus, it signifies a special connection with this friend, making them one of your top favorites. Venus is depicted as a light brown-colored planet, with yellow, pink, and blue hearts revolving around it, symbolizing the warmth and affection in your friendship.

5. Earth: The Third Best Friend

Earth, the third planet in the Snapchat solar system, corresponds to your third best friend on the app. Being assigned the planet Earth implies that you have a strong bond with this friend, making them an important part of your Snapchat journey. The Earth planet is represented by a green and blue-colored planet, embellished with red hearts and a moon, signifying the stability and precious moments shared in your friendship.

6. Mars: Fourth in the Solar System

Mars, the fourth planet in the Snapchat BSF list, represents your fourth closest friend. If your friend assigns you the planet Mars, it indicates a significant connection between the two of you. Mars is depicted as a red-colored planet with stars and purple & blue hearts surrounding the friendmoji, symbolizing the passion and excitement shared in your Snapchat friendship.

7. Jupiter: Fifth in the Cosmic Hierarchy

As the Snapchat solar system mirrors our own, Jupiter corresponds to your fifth closest friend on the app. If your friend designates you as Jupiter, it means that you hold a special place in their heart and are considered one of their top friends. The Jupiter planet features a reddish-orange planet with dark orange strips and stars revolving around it, representing the joy and camaraderie in your Snapchat connection.

8. Saturn: The Sixth Planet

Similar to our solar system, Saturn holds the sixth position in the Snapchat BSF list. If you are assigned the planet Saturn, it signifies that you are the sixth closest friend of the Snapchat user. Saturn is characterized by an orange-colored planet with a ring and stars, showcasing the unique bond and cherished moments you share with this friend.

9. Uranus: Seventh in Line

The planet Uranus corresponds to your seventh closest friend on Snapchat. If you find yourself assigned the planet Uranus, it means that you hold a special place in this friend’s heart. Uranus is represented by a green-colored planet with no hearts, symbolizing the genuine and authentic friendship you have with this friend.

10. Neptune: The Distant Blue Planet

Neptune, the eighth and final planet in the Snapchat BSF list, represents the farthest friend in your Snapchat solar system. Being assigned Neptune indicates that you are the eighth best friend of the Snapchat user. However, it’s important to note that Neptune is a desolate blue planet, devoid of love or life. Nevertheless, your friendship holds its own unique value and significance.

11. Decoding the Snapchat Friend Solar System

To understand your position in someone’s Snapchat solar system, you need to be a Snapchat Plus subscriber. Once you have subscribed, you can navigate to a friend’s profile and locate the “Best Friends” or “Friends” badge with a gold outline. Tapping on this badge reveals your position in their Friend Solar System. For example, if you are assigned Jupiter in their Snapchat solar system, it means that you hold the position of their fifth closest friend.

12. Unlocking Snapchat Plus Exclusive Features

In addition to the Friend Solar Systems, Snapchat Plus offers a range of exclusive features that enhance your Snapchat experience. By subscribing to Snapchat Plus, you gain access to features such as Best Friends Forever (Pin as #1 Best Friend), Story Rewatch Indicator, Custom App Icons, Custom App Theme Editor, and many more. These features allow you to personalize your Snapchat interface and make your interactions with friends more enjoyable.

So, there you have it! A comprehensive guide to the Snapchat BSF list planets and their meanings. With Snapchat Plus Planets, you can create a unique solar system of your closest friends, adding a touch of creativity and personalization to your Snapchat experience. Unlock the power of Snapchat Plus and journey through the cosmos of friendship like never before!

Remember, the Snapchat BSF list planets are not just celestial bodies but representations of the bonds you share with your friends. Cherish these connections and continue to nurture the friendships that make your Snapchat experience truly special.

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