10. Turkish Armed Forces
The Armed Forces of Turkey are the standing second-largest military force in NATO, after the U.S. Armed Forces, with militaries, civilian and paramilitary personnel. In 1952, after becoming a member of NATO, they had initiated a modernization for its armed forces. In the late 1980s, the modernization process was initiated with the newest equipment and techniques for the second time. In 1998, Turkey had started a modernization program worth US$160 billion for 20 years, including various tanks, fighter jets, helicopters, submarines, warships, and assault rifles. It is a contributor to the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program in Level 3. Turkey produces new-generation military equipment and to become self-sufficient in terms of military technologies.
9. Italian Armed Forces
Four branches exist in the Italian Armed Forces. Apart from the Navy, Army, and Air force, there is a 4th branch, namely Carabinieri, which involves missions and combat force operations abroad. Not being the part of armed forces, the role of the military named Guardia di Finanza is that it operates a large fleet of ships, aircraft, and helicopters. Guardia di Finanza also can run at warfare scenarios with its latest highly technical weapons. After the Second World War, they are more engaged in international peace support operations under the United Nations by participating in the various 26 missions.
8. British Armed Forces
Since the formation of the Armed Forces for Great Britain in 1707, evolving as the world’s most remarkable powers includes many wars in history.
The UK is also a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
British Armed Forces include various reserves, namely Volunteer Reserves, Regular Reserve, Sponsored Reserves, and standing forces. British Armed forces consist of Royal Navy, Royal Marines, and a blue water navy with 77 commissioned ships. For the modernization of the Armed forces, the UK has been spending a lot of money, manpower, latest techniques in every possible way. Also, for the modernization of armed forces, making agreements with other nations to uplift their strength in every possible way.
7. French Armed Forces
France has the largest armed forces in Europe and is also considered the most capable armed forces in Europe. They have been putting the main focus on cyber defense since the year 2018. The army had modern and fully latest technological weapons in the form of the Chassepot, including many advanced machines like Lebel and Berthier rifles, Fusil MAS36 CR39, Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM) HAMMER, and many more. Increased expenditure on defense by spending 5% from 2018. Also, the French Armed forces are considered as the sixth most powerful military in the world stated by Credit Suisse.
6. Republic of Korea Armed Forces
Korean Armed forces, also known as the Republic of Korea Armed Forces (ROK Armed forces). South Korea manages a large and powerful military force with one of the world’s largest standing armed forces. Previously ROK Army was organized into three, i.e., the First Army (FROKA), Second Operational Command, and Third Army (TROKA). Under modernization, the 1st and 3rd Armies are incorporated into the First Operations Command, and the Second ROK Army has converted into the Second Operational Command. It has one of the highest defense budgets in the world, by ranking 10th globally and ranking as the 6th most powerful military force on the planet in 2020.
5. Japan Self-Defense Forces
Japan was deprived of military capabilities after being defeated in World War II by the Allies. Japan Self Defense Forces (JSDF) has the 5th largest military budget in the world. In recent years’ JSDF has engaged in peacekeeping operations under the United Nations. With the ongoing threats from other ones, Japan is expanding and modernizing its fighting capabilities actively. Japan has a pool of research expertise in the range of ‘dual-use’ technologies, including various electronics, rockets, sensors, aeronautics, artificial intelligence, man fewer systems, and robotics, which have precise military applications. They have ranked as the fifth-most powerful military force in the world.
4. Indian Armed Forces
Indian Armed Forces have the second-largest military force globally and have the world’s largest volunteer army with the third-largest defense budget in the world. Despite having Army, Airforce, and navy, the Indian Armed Forces are also supported by Coast Guards, paramilitary organizations, and even the various institutions and inter-service commands. They have engaged in significant operations or missions which has been held until now. The Indian armed forces are steadily undergoing modernization by investing in futuristic soldier systems and the missile defense systems. Under the modernization, India recently got its 1st Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) to oversee the three Army, Airforce, and Navy.
3. People’s Liberation Army
Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) is the Peoples Republic of China’s army, which is the largest military force globally and has the 2nd largest defense budget in the world. PLA consists of 5 branches: the Navy, Air Force, Ground Force, Rocket Force, and the Strategic Support Force. As China is getting modernizing the military, PLA is a potential military superpower by rising global power projection capabilities with the significant regional power. Under modernization, China is developing new technology types of equipment like high-powered lasers, high-powered microwave weapons, kinetic-energy weapons, etc…By increasing the concentration on cyber and space warfares. Also, PLA is considered to have the world’s 3rd most military power.
2. Russian Armed Forces
The armed forces of the Russian Federation or Russian Armed Forces are the most powerful military in Europe and 2nd most powerful military in the world.
Russian Armed Forces consist of Ground forces, Navy, and the Aerospace forces as the primary operating branches.
Additionally, the branches also have troop branches, Special Forces, which supports the main branches. The Armed Forces have reformed in the year 2008. The significant reforms are reducing officers’ numbers, centralizing officer’s training centers, reorganizing the reserves and air forces, and reorganizing the army into a brigade system. Russian’s local industry has been instrumental in making the defense modernized despite the sanctions and weakened currency.
1. United States Armed Forces
The United States Armed Forces are the world’s most powerful military and have the highest military budget. Also has the largest U.S. Air Force, US Navy, by Tonnage in the world. Both the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps forms as the 2nd largest air arm in the world. U.S. Armed Forces consist of Army, Navy, Air force, Space Force, Marine Corps, and the Coast Guards. Although having a major defense competition from Russia and China, the U.S. also the most to spend to modernize the defense types of equipment and also to evolve. The U.S. Armed Forces have significant defense and power projection capabilities, which results in advanced and powerful technologies enabled.